I've been in motion even more than usual the last four months, and since I average about 250,000 miles a year in the air and another 100,000 on the ground, that's saying something. I love books. The content. The way they feel. The relationship.
On planes, I read novels and biographies. It simultaneously invigorates and relaxes me.
In the office, it's all non fiction.
But when I can escape to the rocking chair, well, that's the best. A good coffee, a throw from Rejkavick, some blues wrapping around my ears and photo books. Even better if it's raining.
I have a good collection. At least 5,000 photo books.
Yesterday, I focused on three of them.
Mark Cohen's opus about his hometown. He uses a technique to make the images that wouldn't work for many, but he makes it sing.
Alec Soth's Ping Pong conversations. Beautiful images, combined with an insightful, lovely book length interview with art critic Francesco Zanot. It is a book for photographic thinkers.
In Red Thistle, photographer Davide Montelone explores a small region of the Northern Caucus. It's a deep introspective work connecting narratives of the people and places he visits.
All three are blissful - sublime - and offer much pleasure.
Incredible style. Powerful subject matter.
I am working on a couple of my own that will hopefully be in a similar vein. Personal work more than commissions.
Heavenly. I do love the power of photography.